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About NANA'S HAVEN's Shop



A donation-based, non-profit, no-kill international rescue brought together by Nana, our meat trade survivor and cancer warrior. Nana’s Haven was created in Nana’s memory.

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A donation-based, non-profit, no-kill international rescue brought together by Nana, our meat trade survivor and cancer warrior. Nana’s Haven was created in Nana’s memory.

We are a donation-based, non-profit, no-kill international rescue brought together by Nana, our meat trade survivor and cancer warrior. Nana’s Haven was created in Nana’s memory by a passionate and dedicated global community of people fighting for innocent and abused animals.

Our dogs currently can be adopted to the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe, including the United Kingdom. We partner with both international and local rescues focusing on savings dogs from the meat trade in Asia and high-kill shelters.

Almost all of the dogs have been extremely abused, and we make it our mission to show them love and rebuild their trust and confidence. We save dogs from the meat trade, breeding farms, and puppy mills. These billion-dollar industries work hand in hand with each other, and we are fighting each day to put a stop to their abuse for profit.

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